Active surveillance in Thyroid cancer

What is Active surveillance?

Active Surveillance of thyroid cancer is a well established practice where eligible patients are observed closely without surgery. The vast majority of cancers suitable for Active Surveillance are stable and do not progress over the patient’s lifetime. Of the few tumors that do progress, surgery is offered without additional risk or harm to patients. Up to recently, Active Surveillance was not practiced in Australia. Dr Wang is uniquely qualified to offer this service for select thyroid cancer patients in Australia.  

Dr Wang’s philosophy in surgery is to intervene only where necessary, and if so to do the least invasive procedure while maintaining optimal outcomes. Contact Dr. Laura Wang’s office for a consultation to see if you are eligible for active surveillance of your thyroid lesion. 

What does it involve?

Once Dr Wang has determined that you’re suitable for Active Surveillance, she will meet with you every few months initially.  You will have regular thyroid ultrasounds to monitor its behaviour.  Once she has established the nature of the tumor, your ultrasound and appointments will become more spaced out until eventually 5 yearly for life.


Thyroid surgery


Parathyroid surgery